Finsbury ISO2858 STANDARD 125X100-200




Pump Application:
These are bare shaft and motor driven single stage centrifugal pumps designed and manufactured to ISO Standard 2858. A heavy duty cast iron body that contains a cast iron or bronze impeller attached to a stainless steel shaft. These quality pumps, have been designed for use in commercial, industrial and farming applications. Because of the high quality of the materials and due to the accurate manufacturing processes used, these pumps are extremely reliable, quiet and long lasting. These pumps are ideal for pressurisation, transfer of fluids, water supply, irrigation, mechanical services and for all those applications that need medium heads and flow rates.

Monarch – Three phase Foot and Flange Induction Motors are a range of high quality, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC), squirrel cage induction motors.

Designed, manufactured and tested to the latest International and Australian standards. IEC34, IEC72, AS1359 and QA to ISO9001.
– Protection: Frame sizes D160 and larger are fitted with PTC thermistor protection.
– Degree of protection: IP55.
– Class of insulation: F – service: S1.

The pump is to be installed in a fixed horizontal or vertical position.The motor must always be placed above the pump..

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